Tuesday, June 28, 2011

doTERRA Wild Orange

Wild Orange
Cistus Sinensis

Caution: Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after use on skin.
Wild Orange Oil is extracted through cold expression from the rind of the fruit because the medicinal properties of the rind have been used for centuries for a digestive tonic in Asia and Europe. The Early Chinese believed that the scent of Wild Orange Oil would create an atmosphere for “Good Luck” to walk in the door and bring prosperity for the whole family. In18th Century Europe, Orange Oil gained a reputation for alleviating nervous disorders, heart problems, colic, asthma, and melancholy.

Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Depressant, Anti-Spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Anti-Septic,
Carminative, Diuretic, Tonic, Sedative, Detoxifier of glands and tissues, Anti-Cancer,
Wound Healer, good for maintaining a healthy, smooth and glamorous skin, ant and fly repellent. Reported to heal mouth ulcers and gingivitis. It also soothes painful muscles and joints.

Being a carminative means being an agent that helps removal of gases from the
Intestines. Gas, forming in intestines and pushing upwards, can be very troublesome. Gas, being lighter, moves upwards and pressures the internal organs, causing chest pains, indigestion and uneasiness, raises blood pressure, and can give you a serious stomach ache. Wild Orange Oil relaxes the muscles so the gas can escape and then creates an atmosphere where gas is less likely and spasms are eliminated.

Being a diuretic means that Wild Orange Oil can help in motivating urination to make toxins like uric acid, bile, excess salts, pollutants, and excess water be thrown out of the body with the urine. Urination increases appetite and promotes digestion. It contributes toward losing fats and is good for the heart and pericardium.

Wild Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart which provide emotional support to help one overcome depression. It relieves anxiety, anger, and irritation often because of enhanced circulation and detoxifying of liver, and gall bladder. Wild Orange Oil helps us to take a more relaxed approach, encouraging adaptability and the smooth handling of events.

doTERRA's Wild Orange Essential Oils is one of my daily favorites. I add it to my water and I've noticed a change through out my body. I feel cleaner and more energized.  I put in on my kids when I think their being a little to cranky and their mood changes. It smells wonderful in the diffuser, I wouldn't go a day without it. It's definitely a happy oil.

Dr. David Hill suggested: Wild Orange, Melissa, and Peppermint as a very good combo for a sold anti-depressant (convention, 2010, sat. afternoon notes)
Wild Orange 4, Melissa 2 and Peppermint 2 works in diffuser, also in capsules taken as needed has been reported by some clients to be very effective.

Anti-Anxiety diffuser Blend: Wild Orange Oil 5 drops, Patchouli 6 drops, Frankincense 6 drops, Geranium 8 drops, Bergamot 10 drops and Clary Sage 12 drops; Blend into a glass bottle and gently roll between hands and then add 4-6 drops to Lotus diffuser and enjoy.

Anti-Depression Diffuser Blend: Wild Orange 9 drops, Lavender 20 drops, Geranium 15 drops, Clary Sage 6 drops, White Fir 5 drops, Frankincense 3 drops, Ylang Ylang 2 drops.

Creativity Diffuser Blend: Wild Orange 15 drops, Coriander 12 drops, Myrrh 4 drops, Lemon 4 drops, Frankincense 2 drops, Ylang Ylang 2 drops. White Fir 2.

Relieve Frustrated & Irritable Attitude:
Wild Orange 2 drops, Bergamot 2 drops,
Roman Chamomile 2 drops.

Relieve Cold and Joyless Attitude: Wild Orange 2 drops, Ylang Ylang 2 drops,
Myrrh 3 drops.

Relieve Frustrated, Tense, Negative Attitude: Wild Orange 2 drops, Bergamot
3 drops, Frankincense 1 drop.

Relieve Chronic Indecisiveness: Wild Orange 1 drop, Clary Sage 3 drops, Bergamot 2 drops.
Fear-less Personal Blend: 1/8 ounce fractunated coconut oil, Wild Orange 2 drops, Ginger 1 drops, Coriander 2 drops, Sandalwood 4 drops, Roman Chamomile 2 drops, Gently blend and apply on the bones behind the ears and use inhaler whenever you need to find your courage.

Appetite-Stimulating Stomach Rub: Fractunated Coconut Oil 2 ounces, Wild Orange 3 drops, Basil 2 drops, Thyme 2 drops, Coriander 1 drop, Oregano 1 drop, Rosemary 1 drop, massage the mixture over your stomach and abdominal area as needed. For patients who are bedridden apply to bottoms of feet and then have them inhale from a few drops on their hands rubbed together.

Jan Meredith’s Orange Dressing: 2 quart bowl, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, blackberries, strawberries, cut up and gently stirred together – add 3 drops of wild orange oil, cover bowl with saran wrap, refrigerate for a minimum of ½ hour then take bowl and turn upside down carefully and up upside several times—that is it – amazing magic of all the fruits swap flavors due to the W.O. gently motivating the fruits. Amazing and so simple!!

Wild and crazy brownies:
One box of Ghiardelli Brownie Mix and 3 drops of
doTerra Wild Orange EO.mix and bake and serve..very uplifting/add Walnuts for
extra peppy batch.

Wild Orange Truffles: (Ann Marie Grutta,N.J. IPC)
1 can Eagle Brand Milk
1 bag of dark chocolate chips
doTerra Wild Orange EO
Cocoa Powder
Melt milk and chips together for 1 minute in the microwave. As you stir, add
6-10 drops of Wild Orange EO. Pour into a greased 8 Ax 8 or smaller pan. Refrigerate for about 1 hour or more. Take a teaspoon-full and roll into ball (may be a little sticky) then roll in unsweetened cocoa powder. Place on wax paper
and refrigerate until ready to serve!

Buy Wild Orange here

Resources we use on a regular basis:
Modern Essentials, Abundant Health, LLC, 2009
Healing Oils of The Bible, David Stewart, 2005.
Aromatherapy in Medicine, Jacque du Preneau, 1908.
Aromatherapy, Essential Oils for Vibrant Health and Beauty, Roberta Wilson, 2002
Clinical Aromatherapy, Essential Oils in Practice, by Jane Buckle ,RN,PhD.,2003
Aromatherapy Handbook for Beauty, Hair and Skin Care, by Erich Keller, 1992
Aromatherapy For Healing The Spirit, by Gabriel ojay, 1997
The Art of Aromatherapy, Robert Tisserand, 1995
{www.Aromatools.com} for: Books, Bags, Tools etc.
NOTE: The advice shared in document has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. Kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems. Respectfully researched and presented for sharing on Wild Orange by Dr. Susan Lawton, 2011.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Frankincense and Seizures


Unusual electrical signals in the brain cause seizures.  These occurrences can be triggered by a variety of temporary conditions such as a high fever, a reaction to a drug, trauma to the brain, or more permanent conditions such as congenital defects or aging problems.  If the seizures do not repeat after an underlying condition is corrected then the seizures are not considered epilepsy.
There are a several types of seizures.  Grand mal is when the electrical abnormality affects all areas of the brain.  Partial seizures occur when only part of the brain is involved and the symptoms of twitching or rhythmic movements may only appear in one part of the body.  A blank stare or repetitive blinking for a few seconds characterizes a petit mal or absence seizure.
If someone experiences a generalized seizure (grand mal) they will usually experience two phases.  First there is stiffening (tonic phase) then jerking (clonic phase)   They may appear to stop breathing, they may make unusual sounds, there will be thrashing of the arms and legs, the eyes will be open, and they may lose urine.  The return to consciousness will be gradual within a few minutes although the person will be confused for some time after the seizure.
The general procedure for helping someone suffering from a generalized seizure is to guard them against any injury during the uncontrolled movement phase but do not try to restrict their movements.  Make sure their air passage is open; usually having them lay on their side is sufficient.  If the seizure lasts more than 2 minutes or a second seizure starts before the person gains consciousness from the first you should seek medical attention.

Oils, blends & products recommended:
Oils & Blends:  Balance, Elevation, frankincense, Serenity
Essential oils based products: AromaTouch Technique, Life Long Vitality supplements
Suggested protocols:
There is reported success applying Balance and frankincense topically daily to bottom of feet and at brain stem or head area.  Serenity was topically applied to the heart area and around the neck.
Also consider periodic AromaTouch Technique with appropriate oils.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wood Pecker and Peppermint


Here's is a fun story. We have a cabin in the mountains and we go there every weekend. We had a Wood Pecker fly into the window and stun itself. It laid there limp for 20 minutes after my dad dunked it's head in water. I'm really not sure why he did that. LOL, but he's had many birds in this condition and it's seems to wake them up and they fly away. Well it wasn't working this time and the bird just sat on a pillow not moving a bit. It's eyes were open and that was the only sign of life. I was getting ready to leave my parents place to go to ours and I decided to pull out the peppermint for the heck of it. I rubbed a tiny bit on the peak, neck and head of the bird. The bird moved it's head a little and seemed to perk up some. I told my mom to apply more the same way in 20 minutes. Shortly after I arrived to our cabin my mother calls and said that she did what I said and before she could apply it to the wood peckers head it stood up, took a crap and flew away. LOL!!! Was it the peppermint? I want to think so. Whenever I apply peppermint to myself I perk up and start breathing better. Gotta love it!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

doTERRA Lemongrass

My newest favorite and it's pretty cheap. :) It's analgesic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, astringent and sedative. It has a long history of use, dating back thousands of years. Lemongrass oil is not a citrus oil but is sweeter and more powerful than lemon oil.

Lemongrass can be used for its calming effect, to relieve stress.  With its sweet, citrus scent, it is excellent to help restore and balance the emotions. I recently got a diffuser and this oil has been my favorite one to diffuse. It sure smells up our home and makes it inviting to walk into.

When I first listened to a webinar about Lemongrass the speaker mentioned that it was helpful in ligament or tendon damage, aches and pains. Well I had a couple of those and purchased some Lemongrass to apply on those areas. I had one section on my wrist that I had twisted in April when I went over my snowmobile handle bars. I never went to the doctor but could feel the damage. I started applying the Lemongrass and the ache went away.  My wrist is ready for dirt bike season. Yeah! Then recently My knee had been aching where I had ACL surgery last year. The area where the incision was from them removing one of my hamstring ligaments. I started rubbing on the oil 2 to 3 times a day and the pulling feeling is now gone.

LOL, This was a hard hit and then the sled ran me over. Luckily the only damage to me was my wrist. Oh and the sled suffered a bit. I snapped my handlebars in half!!! That was a fun ride out. lol!!!

The damage to my handlebars....

** Lemongrass oil revitalizes the body and relieves the symptoms of jetlag, clears headaches.

**  It is a great overall tonic for the body, and it boosts the parasympathetic nervous system. 

** It is useful with respiratory infections, such as sore throats, laryngitis and fever, and helps prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.

**  Lemongrass oil may help tone the muscles and tissue, relieves muscle pains by making the muscle more supple.

** It helps to keep pets clean of fleas, ticks and lice.

** Lemongrass is a great oil to add to a bath, to assist with cellulite, digestive problems, as a diuretic, for infections, nervousness, for over-exerted ligaments and as a general tonic.

** Mix lemongrass with  doTERRA's fractionated coconut oil and use in massage for clearing cellulite, as well as toning the skin, opening blocked pores and helping with acne.  The antiseptic and anti-fungal properties are useful in treating athlete's foot and other fungal infections.

I love doTERRA Lemongrass.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tiz the Season "SUNBURNS"

Yep, I got the first one for the season and I quickly turned to my oils for relief. Lavender and Frankincense worked for taking the burn away with my fractionated coconut oil. You could also try the melaleuca.

I also want to try this spray I read on one of my favorite sites "EverythingEssentialMe.com:

Add 20 drops each of lavender (soothing, healing) and peppermint (cooling) to a 2 ounce spray bottle.  Fill the remainder with either water or fractionated coconut oil.  Shake and apply as soon as possible to the sunburned area.  Repeat every 2 hours for the 4 to 6 times. 
Continue with a blend of 1 ounce fractionated coconut oil and 20 drops each of lavender and frankincense sprayed or applied directly 2 to 4 times daily.  If there is any blistering add 20 drops of melaleuca to the mixture to prevent any infection from open sores.

To prepare a sunscreen add 60 drops each of helichrysum and lavender to a 2 ounce spray bottle.  Fill the remainder with fractionated coconut oil. Spray on and use as any store purchased sunscreen.

Shop for Oils Here :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Digestzen "A Little Bit of Magic"

Well this super essential oil has brought relief a couple times in our home. The first was over Memorial weekend when our 9 year old had stomach issues and threw up before he went to bed. I applied the oil on his abdomen and his feet. It took a few applications (every 15 to 30 minutes 3 or 4 times) and the stomach ache was gone by the next day. Then we used digestzen again last night for my husbands heartburn. I put 2 drops digestzen and 1 drop peppermint in an empty gel cap and the heartburn was gone in 15 minutes. That's faster and more effective than any over the counter medicine we have. We are really falling in love with this stuff.

doTERRA Digestzen essential oil is a blend of:
Ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander and anise each have specific attributes which add to the overall efficacy of this potent blend. When used internally, dōTERRA®'s DigestZen brings soothing digestive relief. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.
All-natural certified pure therapeutic grade essential oil that brings soothing relief from heartburn, indigestion, and other digestive symptoms. What a wonderful oil!!!!

buy digestzen here....